This one is about one of my fav food – Watermelon, in relation to my precision medicine practice.
My dad and I love watermelon, he loved the yellow one more than the red one, he said it was sweeter, and for some emotional reason… after he passes, I’d like the yellow one too:-).
I love to put watermelon in everything, in salad with mint and feta is awesome, in water to infused them and make water much more bearable for me to drink, make smoothies out of them, snack them at any time, especially to keep my weight stable when I am in my see food diet mood – the “I see food, I eat them” diet (yes, I ate like a lot).
There is absolutely nothing wrong with watermelon, in fact, watermelon has a lot of benefits… It is loaded with lycopene – the thing that gives them the red color and is a potent antioxidant that may help curb our risk of cancer and diabetes if you take them as part of a healthy lifestyle obviously.
Watermelon is rich in an amino acid called citrulline that may help move blood through our body and can lower our blood pressure. Studies also shows citrulline may lower your risk of heart attacks.
Watermelon has a natural pigment called beta-cryptoxanthin that may protect your joints from inflammation. Some studies show that over time, it could make us less likely to get rheumatoid arthritis.
One medium slice of watermelon gives you contains 9-11% of the vitamin A you need each day. This nutrient is one of the keys to keeping your eyes healthy.
The other vitamins are B6 and C. And these Vitamins A, B6, and C in watermelon help your skin stay soft, smooth, and supple.
Watermelon is 92% water and satisfies your sweet tooth with very low Glycemic Load (5) - so this is one of the reasons I love watermelon… it’s a simple way to help me keep my weight healthy and keep stay hydrated (especially I am one of those that does not drink water enough - my youngest son Ali always complain about how little I drink)
Watermelon’s high-water content, antioxidants, and amino acids may boost your workout.
If you have a digestive condition like Crohn’s or colitis, then you know the list of what not to eat during a flare can be very long. You can put watermelon on your “yes” list. Because it is super easy to digest… even for an inflamed gut (Just don’t eat the rind or the seeds to limit the fiber intake.)
So… those are only some of so many watermelon benefits, however, those benefits are not for everyone…
As we are now in the era where genomic and genetic expression are no longer a fiction, where we can test our DNA and what that DNA like and dislike, we know for the utmost certainty that to be healthy and stay healthy, what we love must align with what our DNA loves… and mine, my DNA, does not love watermelon…
As an Integrative Practitioner, I always believe in Precision Medicine for me, my family, and my patients… I have to give up watermelon (coconut and mangosteen too) to stay healthy… of course I cheat now and then, I am just an ordinary girl and in my defence, I ate watermelon for my beloved dad… how about that?.
Listen to yourself and make lifestyle your medicine…
TIP (I found some great practical tips about more benefits of Watermelon for the skin):
Because it’s loaded with water, watermelon also makes a great face mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of watermelon juice with the same amount of Greek yogurt. Spread over your face and leave on for 10 minutes to slough off any dry, dull skin. Rinse and pat dry.