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  • Writer's picturedr. Sarah Akbari

Eat Fat and Stay Slim

As always, I (and quite sure you too) want to be slimmer, younger, sexier, healthier... and also as always, I want it NOW!!!!

To lose weight with no effort, we need to know what our genes want us to eat, so that we know if we need to limit carbs, or fat, or protein. For me turn out my genes don't really care if I eat fat and it won't affect my weight much if I eat more fat. But if I eat more protein, I will likely gain weight, and if I don't limit my carbs, I will stay fat forever!!!

I am lucky that my gene does not make me feel hungry too strong and I feel full longer than other people, so when I try to lose weight, reducing calories and eating only twice a day are not a problem.

So along with Ramadhan this year, I applied this knowledge into my fasting. I did not eat simple carbs (ofcourse cheating is acceptable at times), I eat more (good) fats and controlled my protein to the amount suggested on my DNA testing report. My weight was steadily going down to the point I had to ask my husband if the scale was broken. On day 29 of Ramadhan, I have lost 3.5kg, I feel good, and (I think) I keep my toned muscle.

But that is just me, your genes might say differently about what you need to eat to stay slim.

Now that you know how to lose weight easy and fast, you also need to know how to keep your muscle mass so your arms and leg and tummy wont look saggy when you are thinner.

Losing weight, keeping it off, stay toned and stay well are easy-peasy when you know your blueprint - when you know what food and what type of exercise your genes want.

Take charge of your life, have your Lifestyle Genetic tested, help you out of this lifelong dieting and have a life we all want - pretty, healthy and sexy🥳

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