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Personalised Medicine

December 29, 2019

Addressing patients complaints with Functional Medicines approach. Because every individual is unique, this uniqueness in each patient make "one size not fit all" when managing a unique condition/disease shared in many patients.

The root cause for your high cholesterol or chronic migraine might be so different from your brother's root cause for the same, so management of any chronic condition has to be personalised. 

Functional Laboratory Testing

December 29, 2019

To manage your condition better, you have to know what your cell says. Functional Lab Test will tell you how your cell "function" and your journey towards wellness starts from there

Nutrigenomic - what your DNA telling you to eat to heal or to stay healthy

December 29, 2019

Our body is a great self healing machine BUT the repair process needs a nutrient dense diet - a good diet. However, as everyone is unique, "good diet" might vary from one individual to another. When you are in doubt why your healthy diet does not make feel healthy, Nutrigenomics testing can tell you what your gene wants you to eat to stay healthy or to heal from diseases.


December 29, 2019

Be prepared is the best way

Hormones Replacement

December 29, 2019

You are not crazy, it's your hormones why you gain weight, can't sleep, depressed, getting cellulite, suffering menopause, and feel like screaming.


Hormones are potent stuff inside you that regulate mostly if not everything inside us. Their functions include brain health (memory and behaviour included), heart health (keeping you from heart attack or stroke), bone health, skin health, growth and repair and healing. Have them checked out especially if you are above 40 years old. Keeping the hormone levels at youth level will make you younger when you get older


December 29, 2019

When it comes to lifestyle as medicine, there simply is no substitute. However, sometimes and in some conditions, you need nutrition supplementation to supplement your healthy lifestyle. Knowing when you need to supplement and what to supplement is a tricky one. Make sure you are always well informed.

Pain Management

December 29, 2019

You don't want to take painkiller for a long time for your chronic pain, the side effect of the pill to ease your pain will bring you another health issue. Chronic pain needs more than just painkiller. Trigger point therapy, light acupuncture and PRP are chronic pain treatment that will take away your pain without the unwanted side effect of painkiller pills. 

Stress Management

December 29, 2019

Stress is inevitable. The way you manage stress will make life interesting... well, most of the time:-)

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